Our Code of Ethics
The Core Values
Our Code of Ethics are based on the following core values:
- Conciliation
All staff members and volunteers will act in a spirit of compromise and agreement. Everyone will respect each other’s point of view and be open to constructive feedback or discussion. - Honesty
All staff members and volunteers will be honest with other staff, volunteers, persons served and their families. The value of honesty cannot be compromised. It is important that we learn to be honest without being cruel. - Respect
All staff members and volunteers will be considerate of the needs of other staff members, volunteers, persons served and their families. - Communication
All staff members and volunteers will communicate all concerns directly with the people they have concerns with or about. If the issue is not resolved, they must speak to their supervisor for assistance. Direct and immediate communication of concerns is of paramount importance to the success of any organization. - Trust
All staff members and volunteers will not be judgmental on issues. We will support others and respond in times of need.
Treatment of Persons Receiving Services
- The persons receiving services must always be treated with respect and dignity, irrespective of their disability or other potential deficit areas.
- The input of persons served or the services of other agencies into the rehabilitation process is of paramount importance. The input should always be accepted in a respectful manner and used to further improve our services.
- The organization and its employees must be ever vigilant as to the attitudinal, architectural, and communication barriers that may exist in the agency. Corrective action must be considered where such barriers exist.
- The persons receiving services do not give up their legal rights while they are under our care. Therefore, it is the organization’s responsibility to ensure that their rights are respected at all times.
- The organization will maintain an environment where persons receiving services learn and develop.
Staff Members
- I will do my best to ensure that Applegate Residential Programs Ltd. meets the needs of the persons served.
- I will do my best to create and maintain a climate of loyalty, trust, and mutual respect.
- I will respect the value and dignity of other staff members, volunteers, and persons served.
- I will always speak to everyone in a respectful, positive, enthusiastic, and courteous manner.
- I will never let my work at another job interfere with the quality of my work at Applegate Residential Programs Ltd.
- I will never work more than 12 hours in a 24 hour period unless I have written consent from the home manager or direct supervisor.
- I will support a work environment in which each staff member’s work is respected and considered as important.
- I will recognize excellent work by other staff members and persons receiving services.
- I will support a work atmosphere that is open and non-secretive; while being mindful of the need for confidentiality.
- I will support the decisions of the management. I may state my position, but I understand that ultimately I must follow the management’s final decision.
- I will only engage in physical contact with persons served if necessary.
- I will be loyal to the company. I will refrain from doing anything that may compromise the organization’s reputation.
- I will ensure that I have at least 8 hours down time between shifts. This is my own responsibility, not the person(s) who create the schedule.
- I will never disclose any information about persons served, other staff members, or management to anyone outside the organization. This includes phone numbers, addresses, or any other personal information. I understand that doing so would be grounds for immediate termination of employment.
- I will never try to engage fellow staff members, persons served, in any kind of business transaction. I will never try to sell them something, or connect them with a third party for the same purpose.
- I will contribute to a better workplace by being enthusiastic and having a positive attitude.
- I will uphold all applicable laws and regulations, going beyond the letter of law, to protect and/or enhance Applegate Residential Programs Ltd.’s ability to meet its mission statement.
- I will be a responsible steward of Applegate Residential Programs Ltd.’s resources.
- I will submit all employment requirements. I will ensure that my personal file is complete and up-to-date in regards to certifications, licenses, important health information, and/or recent changes to criminal record status i.e. criminal convictions.
- I will strive for personal and professional development to improve my effectiveness.
- I will carefully consider the public perception of my personal and professional actions, and be mindful of the effects my actions could have on the company’s reputation in my community and elsewhere.
Treatment of Family Members and Community Members
- Members of the persons served’s family and the community must always be treated with respect and dignity.
- The organization will ensure that requests for information from person served’s family members or community members are responded to in a timely manner. In all cases, the management will decide on what information may or may not be disclosed, unless issues of confidentiality arise which would prevent communication of information.
- Input from family members will be considered in a respectful manner.
- The organization will properly address concerns or complaints from the family of the persons served or a community member.
Standards of Conduct
Alcohol/ Substance Abuse
- Employees are strictly prohibited from possessing, distributing, dispensing, and/or using a controlled substance without medical prescription while at work. Reporting to work or working under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance without a medical prescription is also strictly prohibited. Employees who have problems relating to either alcohol or drug abuse is advised to seek referral to treatment services from their supervisor.
- Employees must always abide by the confidentiality guidelines as established in the Young Offenders Act. All information regarding services to individual persons served is protected under the law and proper authorization is required before information can be disclosed.
- Employees must take special precautions to protect client confidentiality. Each employee is responsible for safeguarding the confidentiality of the persons served’s information. Confidential information and materials must be stored in authorized and locked storage facilities, and disclosed only if proper authorization is obtained.
- Employees will never discuss information regarding persons served, with other persons served. Information contained in the progress logs, staff communication logs, are considered confidential information and release of such information can only be done with proper authorization.
- Employees shall not work in a manner that willfully obstructs or hinders the work of another employee, and they shall work in a manner that is conducive to efficiency and safety.
- Insubordination is the refusal by an employee to perform legitimate, work-related order from management or a supervisor, or the use of obscene or otherwise objectionable language to such personnel in a threatening manner. Insubordination undermines the discipline and authority needed in the workplace. All employees must avoid insubordinate behavior.
- Employees shall maintain a high level of professionalism in their work by adhering to the performance and ethical standards of their profession; working in a courteous and efficient manner; undertaking continuing efforts to improve relationships with the public, coworkers, and persons served; maintaining a positive attitude toward their work; and, at all times, representing the agency well in their dealings with persons served and the public.
- Employees shall always maintain professional and ethical relations with persons served. Employees shall not have personal relationships with persons served. This is to avoid conflicts of interest which could interfere with effective services to persons served, and may subject persons served to unnecessary and potentially damaging conflicts and stress which could interfere with their effective use of agency services.
Policy Governing Staff / Individual Relationships
The following is the stated, written policy of Applegate Residential Programs Ltd, regarding staff/individual relationships with persons served:
Staff must not engage in interpersonal relationships with persons served beyond what is necessary and approved by the organization’s administration for therapeutic service. To do otherwise violates professional ethics and Applegate Residential Program Ltd.’s policy.
Specifically this means:
- Staff’s relationship with persons served must remain strictly professional.
- Staff must refrain from personal relationships with persons served outside of their paid employment.
- Staff is encouraged to incorporate empathy, warmth, and genuineness into their style of instruction and communication with individuals, but with the awareness that these qualities are reinforcing to individuals, and must consciously be used in an objective manner which will not interfere with the professional relationship.
- Professional relationships shall be based on objectivity and self-awareness to allow staff to set aside their personal and emotional needs, and be sensitive to the needs of the persons served.
- Staff are strictly prohibited from taking persons served into their own homes.
- Staff must not engage in personal activities with individuals, such as meeting with significant others & friends, and involving persons served in personal activities or obligations.
Termination of employment will result from violation of this policy.
Financial Practices
- Applegate Residential Programs Ltd.’s financial practices shall be handled in accordance with the applicable federal, provincial, and local laws.
- All financial matters shall be conducted within the standards of commonly accepted, sound financial management practices.
- Staff must provide receipts for all purchases.
Grievances and Complaints
Applegate Residential Programs Ltd. shall maintain systems which allow for non-threatening and safe reporting of an issue, complaint or grievance by stakeholders, staff or persons served.
- Individuals will be informed of their rights. The process of making a complaint will be part of their orientation to services and annual review.
- Individuals who wish to make a complaint or grievance, in person, by phone, or by other means, will be advised to have these made in writing to the Executive Director.
- If an individual receiving services would like to put in a complaint, a staff may assist in writing the complaint if required.
- Individuals making a complaint will be advised that all complaints are serious and may be investigated internally or, in some cases, by Community Care Licensing. There will be no reprisal for anyone who makes a complaint.
- If no satisfactory solution is achieved, the person reporting the complaint will be informed of their right to forward their complaint to the appropriate authorities (CLBC, Child/Youth Family Advocate Children’s Commission, ombudsman, MP, MLA).
- Applegate Residential Programs Ltd. shall, whenever possible, use a conflict resolution process to resolve conflict between persons served and the organization or its staff.
- The organization will document the general nature of all complaints, including the resolution, within 30 days of the complaint being brought forward. All individuals will be notified to the extent possible, of the outcome or resolution.